Robbie Hancock is a singer/songwriter, composer, producer and music supervisor with 2000+ placements in film, television, documentary and commercials.  Some of his recent songs and composer credits include music placed on NBC, CBS, ABC, BBC One, Netflix, Amazon Prime more credits

Robbie recently did an interview I did with The Grammy Awards giving his take on sync licensing in today's modern music business.  You can Learn more about the networking and educational community he owns and operates called Sync or Swim Music, which includes membership, focused on giving back and paying it forward to others wanting to get into the sync licensing field of the music industry.  Check out the perks and testimonials and consider joining one of the fastest growing sync licensing communities in the music business today!  

Robbie has also been an industry pro mentor and is passionate about speaking on panels and giving back through industry pro mentor sessions with songwriters, composers and producers wanting to learn more about sync licensing.  Some of these conferences and events include: The Hawaii Songwriting Festival, The Northwoods Songwriters Retreat, The Rifflandia Festival and  The Hillside Festival.

He also offers services to give back and pay forward to others including coaching, mentoring, consulting, sync licensing workshops, masterclasses, online music lessons and producing songs as well as mix/mastering for sync.

As a performer for over 20 years, Robbie has performed at Disney World, Busch Gardens, Canadian Music Week, North by North East, The Ottawa Tulip Festival, The Hamilton Music Awards, and The Halifax Pop Explosion. He has toured Canada several times performing at venues across Canada and recently performed in Nashville, Los Angeles and Hawaii at live music venues and conferences.  He also regularly participates in the Artist on Board program for VIA Rail Canada, performing on the trains for passengers from all over the world each year traveling from coast to coast.

As a producer Robbie’s clients have songs that have made the semi-finals in the International Songwriting Competition, The Canadian Songwriting Competition, been placed in high end music libraries in Canada and the US, placed on Young and the Restless and had a 1st and 3rd place win at the Women’s Freedom Song Contest.

Robbie also runs fundraiser events for homeless teens and has brought awareness and raised funds together with the help of local musicians and communities every year since 2007 and has now with the help of local artists and communities, raised over $25,000 to help end youth homelessness.

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