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Next Masterclass:

“Robbie is really good at simplifying things that can be really complex so anyone can understand.  I didn’t know much about the mixing/mastering side of things, and in just one masterclass, Robbie gave practical tips that I was able to put to use immediately.  He helped me take my music up a notch, close to broadcast quality.  Robbie also genuinely wants to help people and share in their successes, and that really shines through in all of his interactions. I highly recommend working with him, whatever level you are at.”

Matt Glickstein - Songwriter (Hawaii, USA)

“Robbie is an amazing detail oriented teacher who is passionate about the subject of sync licensing, songwriting and music production. He remembers what it was like to be learning the topics himself and, having achieved a high level of success himself can really deliver the pro tips. In his masterclasses he will help you advance further with your skills whether you are just getting started or whether you are intermediate/advanced.”

Chrissy Roberts - Singer/songwriter (New Jersey, USA)

“I feel like the pieces really fell together for me when I took Robbie's Masterclass, and now I can confidently take on more of the music production myself, going forward. His Masterclass definitely helped me move to the next level and gave me exactly the kind of guidance that I needed.”

Cheri Smith - Songwriter (Seattle, USA)

"No matter how long you’ve been on the Sync journey, there are always several juicy tidbits to be found when you attend one of Robbie’s Sync or Swim Music Masterclasses.  His “sounding contemporary” Masterclass wowed me with some simple truths:  Playing with your DAW’s eq, compression, and reverb are all ways to make almost anything sound contemporary.  Robbie shows you how he did it, simple clear and great.  Thanks Robbie, nicely done"

Carl Wurzbach - Composer / singer-songwriter (Staten Island, NY, USA)

"Robbie is an excellent clinic facilitator and masterful at creating a safe and positive meeting environment. I left the Sync or Swim Music Masterclass feeling motivated to write more, write better and continue to build my catalogue. I will definitely attend other clinics Robbie will offer on Sync and other music industry topics." -

MIke Regimbal - Producer, Composer, Performer (Victoria BC, Canada)


Hi, I'm Robbie Hancock and welcome to my Sync Masterclasses!  I am a singer/songwriter, composer, producer and music supervisor with 2000+ placements in TV, Films, Documentaries and Commercials over the past 10 years in the sync music industry.  You can watch and listen to some of my recent credits HERE and check out my bio HERE.

A big part of what I like to do besides making music for sync licensing is to give back and pay it forward to help you become more successful.  This page is dedicated to masterclasses that I offer (and offer sometimes with my industry pro mentor friends) to help you navigate the sync world and spend some quality time in a small group of your serious sync peers to deep dive into topics to help you educate more in the world of sync licensing.

I hope you will consider joining me at my next Masterclasses coming up as they are announced.  Please don't hesitate to send me any questions via the form at the bottom of this page and I will be happy to answer them promptly.  I hope to see you at my next Masterclass!

“I came to so many realizations during Robbie’s Sync or Swim Music masterclass. His analyses and conclusions make so much sense yet had never occurred to me! His kind and gentle sense of humor lightens the time together and he is never boring! I highly recommend his masterclass to anyone interested in stepping up their sync game!

Leslie Ellis - Grammy award winning vocalist (Nashville, TN, USA)

"Robbie Hancock's Sync or Swim Music masterclasses are OUTSTANDING! He deep dives into successful cues to explain what works and doesn’t work. He also provides attendees with a realistic look into the world of sync - what to expect, what not to expect.  His insights have helped me navigate a recent licensing opportunity of my own."

 June Biancalana Musician/Composer (Utah, USA)

"Robbie Hancock really knows the industry of music for film / TV. He has been through the process himself -the composing, the learning, the making mistakes, the waiting, the rejections... And also the huge successes! In these Sync or Swim Music Masterclasses, he is willing to share all of this knowledge and he genuinely wants to help other composers. Thanks, Robbie! I learned a lot."

Veronica Pellegrini, Puerto Rico

"My biggest takeaway was how you used EQ to manipulate  the strings to create an atmospheric sound. I wasn’t able to absorb everything that you taught because it was so packed, but there were so many gems and I loved being able to see what a fellow pianist did to create music that’s had amazing placements!  This gave me confidence to continue building my solo piano and piano/cello library".

Teporah Bilezikian Singer/songwriter - Baltimore, MD. USA

"Robbie's knowledge and experience of working in music for film and T.V. sync licensing is proven, as are his methods. His approach as an educator with soul can truly help your raise your ability to get your music into the industry so you can make it your living. Nothing in the music industry is easy, but with Robbie’s direction and relationship based approach, you too can build a business making music in this exciting field." 

Stewart McLellan - guitarist/engineer Sooke, BC. Canada

"Robbie ' s Masterclasses are very educational and in a very personable way. Even though I am 4000 miles away from him, I felt I was right there in the room with him! I'll be attending more for sure!" 

Linda Cullum Musician/composer (Vermont, USA)

"Whatever your experience level in the world of music for sync, you'll get something out of attending one of Robbie's Masterclasses, whether it's technical hacks; practical tips on being organized and efficient; pitching to publishers; or just enjoying the fellowship and camaraderie and making new contacts. Robbie has great instincts for how to make a Zoom experience fun and engaging. His stories, suggestions, and concrete examples are interesting and helpful.  He has even opened his DAW to show people how he constructed cues and songs that have been placed. I really enjoy his open, genuine, and welcoming style." 

Wenda Williamson - Ohio, USA


Questions about the Masterclasses?  Send me a message :)