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The Lounge

Always a wonderful experience to participate or watch and support others showcasing their talents at events including live performances, films and enjoying an artists stage presence. Sometimes these can turn into wonderful relationships and deals can be struck just from one piece of music or performance. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! 

9:00am - 10:00am - Successful Sync or Swim Music Members Panel! Join me as I chat with a few of our recent successful Sync or Swim Music members and find out how the Sync or Swim Music community has helped them become more successful in the sync music business

10:00am - 10:15am BREAK (get up and stretch, walk about, grab a bite or a bevy or network with your newly found peers!)

10:15am - 11:15am  Robbie Hancock (Last session to gather together with your new sync friends and get some inspiration and encouragement from the captain for your journey ahead)


That's a wrap!

Thank you very much for attending the Sync or Swim Music Event !  We invite you to continue the conversation and join our growing community of sync focused songwriters, artists and composers via our mailing list, blog, podcast  and social media.  You can find everything via our Linktree link below.  We also invite you to consider joining us as an official Sync or Swim Music member.  Check out the plans and perks below.  We are also always looking for volunteers, if you're interested in joining our team of volunteers please click the link below.

We look forward to seeing you in the community.

Robbie Hancock


Sync or Swim Music


Dream it. Think it. Receive it.


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